Lyrics:I'm keeping up, keeping up with the time lapse lifelineAnd they can run they can run from the farm to the last ride...
Lyrics:I'm keeping up, keeping up with the time lapse lifelineAnd they can run they can run from the farm to the last ride...
Lyrics:His little whispers. Love Me. Love Me. That's all I ask for. Love Me. Love Me. He battered his tiny fists to feel somet...
Lyrics: You're not as cool as you think you areNot as popular, woahHey, and the love that you think you areIs some kind of...
Why oh why oh why oh whyWhy oh why oh why oh whyYou act so fake!Uh oh here we go againYou're acting like your my best friendBut...
关于All Time Low来自马里兰州巴尔的摩的一支Pop-Punk乐队,组建于2003年。乐队成员包括Alexander Gaskarth(主唱),Jack Barakat(吉他手)Zack Merrick(贝斯手),Rian Dawson(...
Preview IntroDown Like Silver 是由 Peter Bradley Adams 和 Caitlin Canty 组成想民谣 Duet,这首歌出自他们的同名EP: Down LiKe SilVer EP所有的歌...
第一次听到这个是在海涛(打DOTA的朋友可能认识)的视频里面,听来感觉蛮动感的,就分享给大家听听,希望大家喜欢这是第一次发帖,以后会加油的,hoho。Lyrics:I don’t tell anyone about the way...
今晚除夕,书维在这里祝大家新年快乐了:-)新的一年,开始新的生活,进入新的世界,祝愿大家的新年愿望都能成真。歌名叫Light and Lampstands,是美剧The Lying Game(谎言游戏)第12集的片尾曲,很舒缓,希望喜欢巧得很,歌手的官网昨...
今天Skylar Grey 出了张小EP,都是热门单曲的女声版,这些歌曲也都是由Skylar自己写的,这张EP也是由Skylar自己制作的~非常好听,喜欢听抒情歌,空灵女声的一定会喜欢Info:2010年Eminem与Rihana合作的热曲 love th...