私人诊所 (Private Practice) 第三季第八集原声插曲
私人诊所 (Private Practice) 第三季第八集原声插曲

308   Sins Of Our Fathers  (20091119)
Title: If Something's Wrong
Performer: Aidan Hawken
Violet and Naomi try to talk to Deli but he walks out. Addison tells her father off.

Title: Title: I Can't Get You Out of My Mind
Performer: Matthew Perryman Jones
Neil has hand-foot syndrome. Fife's treatment has not helped Neil. Pete and Naomi are upset. Addison tells Sam about her dad. Charlotte is delivering the antibiotics to Evan and his father when the police arrive.

Title: All Roads Lead Home
Performer: Golden State
Addison delivers Margaret and Neil's baby girl. Charlotte tells Cooper Evan lied. Neil meets his daughter. Cooper tells Addison it was his job to believe Evan.

Title: Let It Be Me
Performer: Hazy Malaze
Dr. Fife defends his methods in the name of science. Violet apologizes to Dell. Addison meets with the Captain.


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