Light Fires - Caitlin Harnett [update lyrics]

Light Fires - Caitlin Harnett

Lyrics (Thx Madarina)

1 2 3 4
There you go walking out the door and
I’m not stopping you this time
5 6 7 8
I’d be yours if it weren’t too late to go back again
All I know is whenever I feel like this
We will run away and hide
And we light fires in the sky
Yeah, we light fires, you and I
1 2 3 4
I don’t love you anymore
But I can’t even begin to hate you
5 6 7 8
I know that it’s getting late
But I just had to see your face to tell you
All I know is whenever I feel like this
We will run away and hide
And we light fires in the sky
Yeah, we light fires, you and I
I just had to say
Before we go our separate ways
Despite of all of these
We are lighting fires
Yeah, we light fires in the sky
Yeah, we light fires in the sky
1 2 3 4
There you go walking out the door

这个唱sleepwalking 的漂亮女孩一如既往的让我欢喜

冬天就是很厚实 穿得很多 有累赘的感觉

这首light fires 让我很轻松 仿佛在一个阳光灿烂的夏日

一个女生在草地上微笑 轻轻拨动琴弦

很有夏日气息的一首歌  是关于爱情的吧

  [Sleepwalking - Caitlin Harnett]





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共有 7 条评论

  1. avatar


    哈哈 , 好滴好滴
    可惜 ..还有两天 就到高三了 ..所以会有很久不能来这里了
    衰 ..下次又得补回来了 ^ ^

  2. avatar


    呵呵 好 我们记住了...欢迎常来留下你的笑脸标志哦

  3. avatar


    开心就好 嘿嘿

  4. avatar


    呵呵 美女是有,好歌也很多吧~~

  5. avatar


    哈哈 ...嗯 great song ^ ^
    特此声明 : 此笑脸乃小小迪的标志 ..大多数时候你都能看到的

    1. avatar


      哈哈 , 好滴好滴
      可惜 ..还有两天 就到高三了 ..所以会有很久不能来这里了
      衰 ..下次又得补回来了 ^ ^

    2. avatar


      呵呵 好 我们记住了...欢迎常来留下你的笑脸标志哦

    3. avatar


      开心就好 嘿嘿

  6. avatar


    great song
    expressing feelings
    or letting go
    and have a new beginning
    in their separate ways ahead

  7. avatar


    1 2 3 4
    There you go walking out the door and
    I’m not stopping you this time
    5 6 7 8
    I’d be yours if it weren’t too late to go back again
    All I know is whenever I feel like this
    We will run away and hide
    And we light fires in the sky
    Yeah, we light fires, you and I
    1 2 3 4
    I don’t love you anymore
    But I can’t even begin to hate you
    5 6 7 8
    I know that it’s getting late
    But I just had to see your face to tell you
    All I know is whenever I feel like this
    We will run away and hide
    And we light fires in the sky
    Yeah, we light fires, you and I
    I just had to say
    Before we go our separate ways
    Despite of all of these
    We are lighting fires
    Yeah, we light fires in the sky
    Yeah, we light fires in the sky
    1 2 3 4
    There you go walking out the door

  8. avatar


    it's funny

  9. avatar


    这首歌声音一出来 就被吸引住了。。
    很清新的感觉 很舒服。。

  10. avatar



    1. avatar


      呵呵 美女是有,好歌也很多吧~~

  11. avatar


    sounds well

