Emmanuel - JJ heller


Emmanuel - JJ heller


Come fall at his feet,
Won’t you sing, sing to the king
Go tell everyone that Christ is born

Glory fills the sky
As Mary sings a lullaby
Emmanuel is born tonight

Give all that you are
Follow the star
And leave all that you have behind

Glory fills the sky
As Mary sings a lullaby
Emmanuel is born tonight

Hope has come to us
The maker of the universe
Emmanuel is born tonight

Holy, holy, God almighty?….

这首歌是JJ heller新专辑<wake up the world>里的圣诞歌曲.
本站已经介绍过同名主打歌了:[Wake up the world - JJ heller]

[I`mænjJәl; iˋmænjuәl]
源自希伯来爱曼纽 (男子名)
涵意 : "God is with us" 上帝与我们同在






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